
Three-note chords along the strings

-October 26, 2023

Why three-note chords?

Three-note chords, not only tertian-based triads, are a useful practice tool for developing fretboard intuition as the physical fretting and aural patterns are common within tertian-based diatonic harmony. Understanding triads and other three-note chords enables further exploration of how these sounds can be used creatively and in more complicated situations. Furthermore, moving three-note chords along the strings provides a platform for learning about theoretical concepts, such as chord voicing and inversions. If you want to find out more about tertian harmony, registered users can access the guide

An Introduction To Three Part Harmony: Triads, Voicing, and Inversions

You can sign up for free here ….

Why practice three-note chords moving along the string?

Moving along the length of the string helps to develop the technical intuition to cover greater areas of the fretboard. It’s fundamental to the physical nature of any fretboard-like string instrument, shortening the length of a plucked string increases the pitch it produces.

A simple practical exercise.

In the video below is a demonstration of a simple practice exercise to apply on the instrument, using the diagram as a reference. It’s a fairly bland exercise, but a necessary place to begin learning as they’re technically challenging. As soon as you feel ready you should try to find more creative ways of implementing these positions. For example, applying a rhythmic motif or picking pattern across each inversion.

Playing each inversion of an A Minor chord across the fretboard.

General Practice Guidelines

Although fretboard diagrams can be useful for learning new things or for reference there are some significant but subtle disadvantages when practicing using illustrative diagrams. The video below offers advice regarding how to avoid potential pitfalls. These guidelines could be applied to any use of diagrams generated by Fretharmony but there may be occasions to bend the rules.

What Should You Practice?

Practice time is not an easy thing to manage and requires discipline. It’s unrealistic to expect information visualised in fretboard diagrams to be absorbed in a couple of sessions and often there are a variety of different fretting techniques could be utilised. Ultimately, its probably more effective if material is practiced regularly. Revisiting exercises is always easier than the first initial attempt.

Use three-note chords in the music you play.

Playing simple exercises doesn’t necessarily encourage creativity or improvement in performance. It’s a little bit of a Mexican stand off, a catch-22 or a “What came first, chicken or egg?” situation. Too rigid in practice and we can’t be creative, yet if we don’t practice effectively we cannot implement a complex or technical musical concept.

When learning three-note chordsIt’s important to include what you’re practicing alongside what you’re learning to perform, improvise or compose with. The video below explains this in more detail.

A practical and personal approach.